vendredi 25 mars 2011

Libya: Is Khamis Gaddafi Really Dead?

Rumours have been circulating online and in mainstream media for about two weeks that Khamis Al Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, has been killed. Tonight, the rumours are making the rounds again, with a new twist. They say the 27-year-old militia leader, who runs a brigade which carries his name, was killed during an air raid on Bab Al Aziziya Compound, where the Gaddafis reside in Tripoli. Unconfirmed reports add that his brother Muattasim was killed by Gaddafi for ‘refusing to follow' orders.

Al Arabiya (Ar) confirms news of Khamis' death, quoting unnamed sources while the Libyan denies it.

Protests calling for the toppling of the Gaddafi regime started in Libya on February 16, one day ahead of the February 17 date scheduled for the revolution to kick off on social networking sites.

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